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I'm Losing Muscle Mass — Can You Help?

I'm Losing Muscle Mass — Can You Help?

Age-related muscle mass loss, or sarcopenia, is a common problem in adults. After age 30, muscle mass declines at a steady rate of 3-8% every decade, and after age 60, it happens even faster. 

While you might not be able to turn back time, you can control the aging process by better understanding your body. 

At Alevizos Medical, Dr. John Alevizos and our talented team understand how discouraging it is to notice a decline in strength and muscle tone. Our goal is to help you understand the root causes of muscle mass loss and then provide personalized tools to help you overcome it. 

Understanding the causes of muscle loss

Muscle mass decline goes hand in hand with hormone changes. Women usually go through menopause in their 40s or 50s, and men go through andropause (aka male menopause) around the same time. 

Hormones drop significantly during menopause and andropause. In women, estrogen loss has the biggest impact; in men, it’s testosterone. 

Women start menopause immediately if they have a hysterectomy alongside ovary removal, so symptoms may begin much earlier in life too. 

Other factors, including thyroid gland dysfunction, body toxins, adrenal fatigue, and stress, may also contribute to hormone imbalances and muscle mass loss. 

Of course, your physical activity level and diet also contribute to how much muscle mass you have and how well you maintain it.

How BHRT can help you reclaim muscle mass

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) replenishes lost hormones and relieves the symptoms of hormonal decline. It can help slow the steady muscle loss. 

Unlike conventional hormone therapies, BHRT uses hormones that are chemical duplicates of those your body makes naturally, allowing for optimal absorption and fewer side effects. 

At Alevizos Medical, we customize your BHRT plan based on your specific needs, ensuring you receive the correct dose to restore your hormone levels and help you rebuild muscle mass. 

Hormone loss doesn’t just affect your muscles. Frustrating symptoms like weight gain, hair thinning, mood swings, insomnia, night sweats, and even a drop in libido are common. 

These changes can make you feel like you're losing control over your body, but it's important to know that you're not alone — and that we can help you get back on track. 

Because BHRT relieves all the symptoms of hormonal decline, you can feel more like yourself. Combined with other personalized lifestyle changes, BHRT can also help you rebuild the muscle mass you’ve already lost.

Our approach is comprehensive. We combine BHRT with lifestyle recommendations, such as targeted nutrition and exercise plans, to support your overall well-being and help you reach your goals.

Can I lose weight without losing more muscle?

Many people gain weight during menopause and andropause, leading to a frustrating dilemma: How can they lose fat without further sacrificing muscle mass? 

We offer a unique weight loss program that does exactly that. The HCG diet targets fat while preserving lean muscle. It combines a low-calorie diet with HCG hormone injections.

Rebuild your muscle mass in Irvine

If you’re ready to regain your muscle mass and feel like yourself again, call our Irvine, California, office or contact us online to book your consultation today.

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