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Fueling Our Bodies


UST AS THE carburetors or fuel injection systems on our motorcycles process gasoline into a form that our motors can bum, proper digestion is necessary to process the food we eat into a form that ensures optimal nutrition. However, if the intestinal tract is not functioning properly, the consequences can be disastrous. In fact, the gastrointestinal tract can digest itself unless we fuel it with the proper nutrients and our immune system works correctly. Most digestive deficiencies begin with two familiar indications of gastrointestinal dysfunction: diarrhea and constipation.
Regardless of what causes diarrhea, the result is that nutrients do not get absorbed as they should. Inflammation of the intestinal walls causes decreased transit time through the small intestine, sending undigested foodstuffs into the large intestine where bacteria act on them to make very uncomfortable and painful gas, and obviously decrease nutrient absorption. Here is a very small list of some complications of decreased nutrient absorption: Skin problems such as acne, wrinkles, eczema, psoriasis, etc., due to a lack of electrolytes, fatty acids, protein, zinc, sulfur, and colla- gen-building nutrients. Anemia due to lack of B complex vitamins and iron absorption. Muscle weakness due to lack of essential minerals such as magnesium, calcium, potassium, sodium, etc. Nerve problems due to vitamin B12 deficiency, which can cause numbness and tingling of the hands and feet. Hormonal imbalance due to the lack of appropriate fatty acids being absorbed.
Constipation can have several causes. However, the main reason most of us get constipated is dehydration. Other reasons for constipation are a lack of physical activity; a lack of fiber in the diet; certain medications; gastrointestinal diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome; Crohn's disease, etc.; certain metabolic disorders such as diabetes or hypothyroidism; certain autoimmune diseases; tumors; scar tissue (adhesions); diverticulosis; etc.

If you are suffering from constipation, it is critical to find the cause and fix it. Do not take laxatives daily in order to stay regular, as laxative use can cause major impairments to nutrient absorption. Rather, find the chicken (the root cause) that is laying the egg (constipation). If you need to drink caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea,or soda in order to have a morning, afternoon or evening bowel
34 movement, there is nothing wrong with that, and you may continue doing this.

In my opinion, constipation has many more long-term adverse effects than does diarrhea. For example, if the chemicals from chemical-laden foods, processed foods, burned and smoked foods sit on the walls of the large intestine for several days, over time they cause changes to the intestinal wall, and those changes can lead to colon cancer in the long-term. Consti- pation also causes stretching of the anal canal, which causes cracks (fissures) in that area. It can also cause hemorrhoids, and it causes decreased blood circulation to the area due to the pressure of the stool, causing the skin to break down and have infections at times. Diverticulosis is the out-pouching of the large intestine that looks like little craters on the moon. Over time, if someone with this diverticuli resulting from chronic constipation eats sunflower seeds, popcorn, walnuts or peanuts, the fiber pieces can become caught in the tiny out-pouches and as the body tries to expel it, it causes spasms and contractions, and the sharp edges of the food will cut into the intestinal wall, resulting in an infection. As we know, chronic infections such as this do cause aging and inflammation.

So what does one do when he or she has one or both of the above conditions? The first thing to do is see a doctor for a proper workup to find out the cause of the diarrhea or constipation. There are also things you can try at home. You must remember that we need enzymes in order to digest food. The whole purpose of having a salad and various green, yellow, or orange vegetables before eating beef, chicken or fish is because the plants contain enzymes that our own digestive system lacks.

Many medications (most commonly antibiotics) change the microflora in our intestines, killing the good bacteria that aid digestion and thereby promoting the growth of bad bacteria. An extreme case would be a clostridium difficile infection, which causes yellow diarrhea and needs to be treated quickly; otherwise, the outcome can be disastrous.
Probiotics help establish a healthy intestinal bacteria ratio of good bacteria versus bad bacteria. Probiotics also heal the gut, aid in nutrient absorption, and can decrease inflammation in people who have gastrointestinal disorders more serious than diarrhea and constipation. Probiotics can be purchased over the counter and can be taken once or twice a
JUNE 2012 MOTORCYCLE CONSUMER NEWS day, especially if one is on a prolonged course of antibiotics. However, I cannot give a concrete recommendation as to how many days, weeks or months one needs to take probiotics, as every condition and every individual is different.

Essential fatty acids are known to be potent anti-inflammatory agents in our gastrointestinal system. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care 2005 Mar, 8(2):115-21. Also, Mol Nutr Food Res. 2008 Aug; 52(8):885-97. Fish oil should be in the form of omega-3. Personally, I take 1000mg of omega-3 every day. Depending upon who you read, for all kinds of health benefits, we should all take 1000-3000mg of omega-3 per day. However, I will leave this to your own research and doctor's recommendation. Zinc has also been found to reduce the duration and severity of diarrhea. However, the mechanism by which zinc works is unknown to us at this time.

Some people have irritable bowel syndrome, which classically is alternating diarrhea and constipation. However, people commonly have either one or the other. During this condition, 95% of the body's serotonin is also altered. (Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, etc., all increase serotonin.) Serotonin helps with the transit time in the gastrointestinal system; either slowing it down or speeding it up as the body needs. Supplementation with 5-HTP normalizes serotonin levels, so rather than taking antispasmodics (what irritable bowel prescription medications are), one can simply take an over-the-counter supplement, which, in the long run, is less toxic to the body and has fewer side effects.

What is the take-home message? Unless we have healthy digestive systems, our bodies function less than optimally.

Much of the medical community and especially the drug companies make a living treating conditions that could be prevented or markedly improved if our bodies were functioning properly. I do not recommend that anybody settle for various medical cures unless they have exhausted natural means of addressing the core problem or imbalance that is causing their current distress.
Dr. Jolin Alevizos is Boar Family Practice Medicine. He has offices in Santa Ana and Irvine, CA, has been in private practice for 17 years, owns three motorcycles and did his internship and residency at USC in Los Angeles.


Alevizos Medical
15751 Rockfield Blvd, Suite 120
Irvine, CA 92618
Phone: 949-916-3600

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